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Mental Health and Well-being support,
to help you through your apprenticeship.

  • Free 1:1 coaching and counselling support sessions.

  • Confidentially delivered, online and in the comfort of your home.

  • Privately maintained medical records.

  • 100% recommended by previous apprentices.

Develop the skills to thrive in the face of life's inevitable challenges.


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Coaching has changed the trajectory of my life.  I learnt simple techniques to ‘get out of my own way’ and stop limiting myself.


It took me to the next level, teaching me new thought processed and, in turn, a perspective of the world where anything is possible and I am in control. What seemed like insurmountable challenges before, now seem entirely possible.  I have learned techniques to take the anxiety away. 


I genuinely think I would have used negative self-talk to convince myself I wasn’t capable of my new job had I not had coaching. I would have lived in a comfort zone that was getting smaller and smaller, becoming more and more anxious and miserable.  My coaching sessions changed this and I would recommend them to everyone. 

Quick and easy referral through your learning provider;
  • During your welcome call we will discuss your current challenges, goals and aspirations.
  • After the call you will be matched with the qualified coach or counsellor that's best placed to support your needs.
  • From there, you will receive 1:1 online support, twice a month, until no longer required.
It's not the potential you have, It's the potential you utilise that matters



You'll be forever grateful. It's having the bravery to take the first step.

I would tell people I've never looked back.

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